Hemerocallis 'Charleston Autumn Moonlight' - Daylily from Quackin Grass Nursery

Hemerocallis 'Charleston Autumn Moonlight' - Daylily from Quackin Grass Nursery

Hemerocallis 'Charleston Autumn Moonlight'


Plant Type:


Hemerocallis 'Charleston Autumn Moonlight' – Will Forster shared this fine very fragrant beauty that trumpets during the winnowing days of very late summer into October. Chiffon yellow flowers grace the garden with elegance on 40-inch scapes. The color is light and bright, not hard. Flowers exhibit strong texture. 'Charleston Autumn Moonlight' has a long bloom season. There are reports that this beauty continues flowering until Christmas in Georgia. Wow - lucky, you! Thanks, Will - we have a penchant for all the late and very late Hemerocallis... The Late Show with Charleston's Autumn Moonlight. She's a great host with a long, successful run.

5”/ VL / H40”/ F / / D / dor


40 in


Medium Yellow

Genus Overview: Hemerocallis

Common Name: Daylily

The well-known daylily. We have become increasingly taken with the late and very late bloomers. Those glorious daylily trumpets add such rich and contrasting texture to mops and strands of goldenrods, Joe-pye weeds and late season daisy flowers that occur in abundance at this time; they are splendid with the broad flattened domes of ironweeds, the spikes of Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Firetail’ plus the seeds and berries that so opulently populate the landscape in the late season. We are offering a handful of mid-season bloomers. Of course, most of the breeding has centered about these and for this reason many of these cultivars are fancier. But we find there is elegance in the simpler flower form and gentler colors, often soft pastels, in the later selections. Most of the late bloomers but not all have originated with Olallie Daylily Gardens in South Newfane, VT. All cultivars are hardy in USDA zones 3 to 9 unless otherwise marked. All of the following are sent as bareroot divisions of our plants.

Please refer to the following descriptive codes for all daylilies:

Flower Size: is measured in inches (“)

Bloom Season: Very Early = VE

Early = E

Early Middle = EM

Middle = M,

Middle Late = ML

Late = L

Very Late = VL

Height: with an upper case “H” is measured in inches (“)

Rebloom: is indicated with an upper case “R”

Fragrance: is indicated with an upper case “F”

Very Fragrant: is indicated with an upper case “VF”

Diploid: is indicated with an upper case “D”

Tetraploid: is indicated with an upper case “T”

Dormant: is indicated with a lower case “dor”

Evergreen: is indicated with a lower case “ev”

All Daylilies are sold bare root