Solidago rigida – This is the seldom offered Stiff Goldenrod with gorgeous bright and warm golden yellow flowers from mid to middle-late summer above gray-green broad straps of leaves. There is something especially saturated and deep in the glowing color that makes this special. Also unusual is the flower form. The richly-toned flowers are branched and rayed clusters of small florets making for an irregularly domed inflorescence from 2.5” to as many as 5.5” diameter, very showy. This looks terrific with Joe-pye Weed and ornamental grasses, In the wild garden or meadow or in any naturalistic planting. It's spectacular with middle-late daylilies and any and all the composites that flower in this moment such as Echinacea. It’s a good bee and insect plant that will self-sow where happy. It is not stoloniferous, not intent upon dominating the world. Site Solidago rigida in full to nearly full sun planted in any modest, draining soil. I personally love this plant and can’t imagine my ornamental grass planting without its handsome contrast and casual demeanor - it just speaks of late summer, a time that I personally love. Division or seed grown.
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