Hamamelis vernalis 'Lombart's Weeping'

Vernal Witchhazel

Plant Type:


Hamamelis vernalis ‘Lombarts Weeping’ – this form of the Vernal Witchhazel (or Ozark Witch Hazel) is weeping... not crying, mind you, but pendulous. Shrubs develop a more horizontal branching habit, not the kind of "pendulous" many of you may have in your mind's eye.It is not so evident as a small, young shrub in a container but exhibits this character as it grows taller and wider. ‘Lombarts Weeping’ flowers in late winter to very early spring – the timing dependent upon just how cold or mild the winter is. The color is a warm rusty orange creating a haze all along the branches from the countless multitudes of small flowers. It emits good fragrance. Another feature is that the outline outline of this very nice form is certainly wider than tall. 'Lombarts Weeping' sometimes holds onto the older leaves (marcescence), a quality that some gardeners do not like. Personally, I like the sound of dried rustling leaves in the winter – the aural garden also has merit. Well-used in the landscape by you artistic landscape gardener types it may make you weep... crying, mind you, not pendulous. Often the foliage in autumn is yellow to golden brown. Selected by Pierre Lombarts Nursery, Zundert, The Netherlands. Fertile ground in draining soil in part shade. Established potted weeper, cutting grown.


4-5 ft


10 ft


Item Description Price  
HAMVELO Copy Hamamelis vernalis 'Lombart's Weeping' (5 inch Square x 6 inch Tall - true 2 quarts / 1.8927 liters) $30.00

Characteristics and Attributes for Hamamelis vernalis 'Lombart's Weeping'

Season of Interest (Flowering)

  • Late Winter / Spring

Season of Interest (Foliage)

  • Spring / Summer / Autumn

Autumn Interest

  • Autumn Leaf Color

Nature Attraction

  • Deer Resistant


  • Sun Tolerant
  • Morning Sun / Afternoon Shade


  • Shrub Border
  • Natural Garden
  • Specimen
  • Woodland

Growth Rate in the Garden

  • Moderately Fast


  • Draining
  • Fertile
  • Woodland


  • Ozark Plateau
  • Garden Origin

Propagated By

  • Cutting Grown